Saturday, May 30, 2009

French Open 2009: Martinez Sanchez Cheats in Match Against S. Williams

Nothing disgusts me more than to watch a sporting event and see a competitor cheat. Sanchez did just that when the ball hit her arm and she said nothing to correct the misconception that the ball hit her racket instead; it gave her a game winning point and the all important mental edge. Serena attempted to apologize for hitting Sanchez but when Sanchez refused to acknowledge being hit by the ball, Serena then called Sanchez into account on it and appealed to the umpire, Emmanuelle Joseph, who did nothing to correct the injustice. He didn't even bother to ask Sanchez if the ball hit her. At the speed the ball was traveling, it would've been easy to see a mark on her arm but the umpire didn't even spare a glance in that direction. For the umpire not to ask a direct question of Sanchez or even inspect her arm for what would have to be an obvious mark, I consider that incompetence and a serious indiscretion. There's no way to make this a fair contest between two reasonably matched opponents now. Human error, incompetence and a desire to win at any cost - even to the point of cheating - has entered the arena. Sanchez should be ashamed of herself but probably isn't nor will she be if her attitude is any indication and the umpire, Joseph, should go back to watching instant replay film until he can learn to identify correct calls.

There's something to be said for Fair Play. It's just a real shame that some people don't understand what that means. Of course these are only my own opinions but I stand by them.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Unemployment, Government Corruption & the Ties That Bind

I'm unemployed. The company that I work - ok, worked - for is either going to be sold or it will merge with another local company. Regardless, it no longer exists as it once did. I'm not entirely unhappy with that because there are many things I'd like to do now that I'm free to pursue other avenues of interest to me. The big GLITCH in all of this is my right to draw the unemployment benefits that I paid to the state when I had a job. Let me just say right now, up front and in no uncertain terms - I hate our government and the system it operates under with a white hot searing passion.

Today, I was supposed to be at an orientation meeting getting enlightened as to how my money will aid me in finding another job in the field I was last employed in or to help me get training in something new to avoid yet another layoff in that same old industry. I left 45 minutes early, got slightly turned around in a city 30 miles away and one that I've spent markedly little time in since the last time I was unemployed, which was over 6 years ago. I did the correct thing and called for directions and arrived 7 minutes late. The group for the orientation meeting had already been called in and the meeting was under way. I was informed that I couldn't enter now as it was too late and I'd have to return next week - driving another 30+ miles one way and leaving even earlier to ensure that for whatever reason I was NOT even a single second late, just in case. After shaking my head in frustration, irritation and bemused speechlessness over government ignorance, I walked out. As I drove away, I called the same number back and informed the woman that answered that I would not be back next week because I hadn't been paid all the benefits I had previously filed claims for in recent weeks and therefore, did not have the gas money to make yet another 60+ mile round trip. This was the woman that had called out to me as I walked away that there was a meeting next week I needed to attend. Over the phone, she informed me that "by not attending the orientation, it could affect your benefits." In straight talk, she had just informed me that I was being extorted - blackmailed - to show up or I won't get the unemployment money I've already been informed, in writing, that I'm to receive and that should be mine by rights as I was forced to pay it out of my own salary with every paycheck I took home. I felt the need to point out that I lived over 30 miles away and that if I had received the benefits that I'd filed claims on, it might not be such a burden to me financially. She asked if I'd applied for food stamps. No, I assumed it would be part of the information presented in the orientation that I wasn't allowed to attend. She informed me that if I came back she would explain how things worked so I could make the most of the programs available. Funny, she didn't mention me waiting around a few minutes so she could provide explanations when she was informing me that I'd have to come back next week. Plus, my immediate reaction to leave may have taken her by surprise but it was for her own "benefit." Love the irony of that one. I had no desire or reason to stay in the miserable atmosphere surrounding that office one minute longer than necessary. In fact, let me state unequivocally that I completely understand some peoples' need to go postal. I do not condone it but I get it with the full understanding that there are some folks out there that deliberately provoke others into violent behavior and do so because they believe they are inviolate and untouchable. With my new-found understanding, I will never again condemn the ones that take action. If I hadn't left right then my emotions may have gotten the better of me. I wanted to yank that woman across her desk and scream in her face until her ears bled. Then I wanted her to be unemployed with no money, no food, no gas and no power to get anything unless she performed tricks for the puppeteers. Of course after I got my emotions under control, I realized that I wanted all of that to happen to the legislators that are bleeding me, and the rest of this country, dry through taxes whichever way I turn. I also figure if they don't give me those unemployment benefits, then I'll just wait until I'm homeless and the county or state will be forced to care for me. It's really pretty under the trees there in front of the Texas Workforce Commission office and when I have no place else to go because I can't pay my rent, it'll make for a nice place sleep, hang out and sing the "praises" of our system to each new unemployed lost soul that enters through those doors. Wonder how quickly they would respond to get me "relocated" so I'm no longer "disturbing the peace"?

I'm under no illusions about our government. They want our money, all of it, and God forbid, should we ever demand any of it back. My government feels I'm too stupid to handle my own unemployment money and the responsibility of having that money to pay my bills, buy groceries and maybe pay to take a class. So, they must dole it out to me like a child getting an allowance. Just like people are too stupid to handle their own retirement money (social security) but guess what? There's not going to be any of that left either soon enough and the idiots running that circus did it without any help. How nice that the ones that were forced to pay into Social Security so they could one day retire won't have any of that so-called security after all. It's been leeched out bit by bit for other government "social" services. Isn't that comforting? Doesn't that make you feel secure? But hey - that's a rant for another day.

Every elected government official needs to suffer and do without just like the many thousands out there. No one can know what's best for you until they've walked a mile in your shoes. The spoiled, the rich and those clueless to the everyday lives of the poor should never be allowed to hold office or vote on issues pertaining to the poor until they've lived in those conditions themselves for at least a year. No safety loophole either. They should all have to live in abject poverty without medical care, wondering where their next meal is going to come from and if the water is clean enough to drink. People do not learn life lessons without experiencing them. Just as a child doesn't learn that a hot stove should not be touched until he's burned himself; then, and only then, the child has learned a lesson he will not forget for the rest of his life. How are our elected officials supposed to learn how to help the poor and unemployed if they've never experienced poverty in all its despair and misery?