Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So many people think we need the government to tell us how to live every aspect of our lives. I’d just like for them to butt the hell out. We’ve given the government too much power now and we’ll never get it back without a rebellion & civil war. People don’t understand that they’ve created a monster that they can no longer control. Congress has no incentive & no desire to hurry up and find a solution for anything - not to ease our financial burdens nor to create true diplomatic foreign policies. Legislators have all the time in world to research ideas, study possible effects and make decisions because we've given it to them in the form of unlimited terms in office. Maybe the general public is too stupid or just too apathetic to vote the incumbents out of office and set term limits. {I’m not sure the public could vote for and institute term limits now even if they wanted.} If our representatives & senators feared for their jobs, they’d get off their asses and fix what’s wrong with the country. Instead we let those carpetbaggers sit on Capitol Hill till they’re so old they’re practically rotting from the inside out. And all the while, we’re taxed to death for every bad bailout, every welfare & government hand-out, and every global warming/climate crisis scam they can invent. This doesn’t even begin to cover the raises & perks those shysters give themselves hidden deep in the pages of various bills that go from house to senate. Aw, let’s vote more money for teachers & education and while we’re at it, on page 435 article 62 paragraph 17 sub-paragraph 9, we’re going to vote ourselves a tidy little raise of 4% for all the work we do to run the country for the idiot masses and the poor & down-trodden.

There’s no recovery from where we are. We’ve given the people in power all the rope they need to hang us and damned if they aren’t doing a brilliant job of it. All we can do is ride it out until the turmoil reaches its natural conclusion, which is the eventual civil uprising, the freedom fight (again) & the installment of a new government after this one has been beaten back and crushed into submission. Americans should be paying closer attention to the government of Honduras and how they’re handling Zelaya's misbegotten attempt to stay in power beyond his allotted term limit. We might learn a thing or two from the Hondurans, if we’re smart enough. Of course we may not have to worry about any of that if the H1N1 flu kills off two-thirds of the world’s population in the next year or so.

I believe we’re past the point where we could vote a real change at the ballot box. I’m afraid that we’ve given away all our rights & freedoms so that if we were to try and take them back now, we’d be accused of home-grown terrorism and thrown under the jail without legal representation or a fair trial. We may have the right to bear arms but have you tried to buy bullets lately? We have the right to assemble but when we do, we’ve got to be careful what we say or we’ll be turned in for inciting to riot and heaven forbid if you hand out a leaflet - even if it is a copy a of the US Constitution - it's now considered terrorist propaganda to do so. We have the right to life but not if it costs the government too much to treat us so we have a quality of life worth living. We have the right to liberty but only after we’ve been told what liberties we’re allowed to have. We have the right to the pursuit of happiness but not if it means leaving the country and taking our money with us. Tried leaving the country lately? Even that is getting harder to do. Irony: It's easier to get in than it is to get out. Now that ought to scare the hell out of people.

Wake up people and VOTE OUT THE INCUMBENTS - ALL OF THEM! - before we lose the right to decide anything ever again.