Saturday, May 30, 2009

French Open 2009: Martinez Sanchez Cheats in Match Against S. Williams

Nothing disgusts me more than to watch a sporting event and see a competitor cheat. Sanchez did just that when the ball hit her arm and she said nothing to correct the misconception that the ball hit her racket instead; it gave her a game winning point and the all important mental edge. Serena attempted to apologize for hitting Sanchez but when Sanchez refused to acknowledge being hit by the ball, Serena then called Sanchez into account on it and appealed to the umpire, Emmanuelle Joseph, who did nothing to correct the injustice. He didn't even bother to ask Sanchez if the ball hit her. At the speed the ball was traveling, it would've been easy to see a mark on her arm but the umpire didn't even spare a glance in that direction. For the umpire not to ask a direct question of Sanchez or even inspect her arm for what would have to be an obvious mark, I consider that incompetence and a serious indiscretion. There's no way to make this a fair contest between two reasonably matched opponents now. Human error, incompetence and a desire to win at any cost - even to the point of cheating - has entered the arena. Sanchez should be ashamed of herself but probably isn't nor will she be if her attitude is any indication and the umpire, Joseph, should go back to watching instant replay film until he can learn to identify correct calls.

There's something to be said for Fair Play. It's just a real shame that some people don't understand what that means. Of course these are only my own opinions but I stand by them.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree. The crowd was actually starting to boo Serena but they didn't have the benefit of replays. Martinez should be ashamed of herself.