Sunday, September 13, 2009

US Open 2009: Serena Williams Goes Nuclear

Serena lost her temper and got seriously pissed. Yes, it was unprofessional, but it was human and I don't fault her for it. Sadly, as a society, we've become so caught up in being good little unemotional robots on the playing field that we aren't allowed to display our true feelings or voice how we're feeling while we're IN THE MOMENT. And that's like trying to remove warts from a frog. We need to remember that athletes are pumping so much adrenaline through their systems that it's damn near impossible to keep emotions in check. If we act happy or celebrate a victory, we're taunting the other team with our prowess. Well, so what - we won didn't we? If we act sad or get angry, then we're sore losers and babies. Well, so what - we lost didn't we? We should be able to celebrate and bask in in the glory of our victory. If that includes telling the loser that he lost and he's a loser because of it, then what's the big deal. He lost - by definition, he's a loser. Maybe he'll practice more, work harder, prepare better and annihilate us next time. The declaration I am better than you coupled with a desire to prove it in the arena is the basis for competitive sports. Having our emotions sucked out of us takes away the essence of competition. Emotions are the core of us and if we cut them off, we're shutting off what makes us human and not robots.

Serena will be required by polite society to issue a public apology for her meltdown. She'll do it and be contrite and show remorse for her actions. All will be well. I just feel bad for her because she was being truer to herself with the outburst than she will be with this apology. Either way, I still love Serena Williams and enjoy watching her play with all the emotion that entails.

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