Monday, March 9, 2009

Petition to Change Monday to FirstDay

I believe we should petition to change Monday's name. Mondays SUCK. No argument there and I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about it either. We should have an alternative to Monday. A day that doesn't induce depression and a desire to slit one's wrists when its name is mentioned. I don't know about the rest of you but I've been working most of my life, since I was 15 and I'm on the backside of 45. That's 30 years of my life and that sucks, too. Being a slave to the time clock only makes Monday seem that much worse. Think about it. Thirty years worth of Mondays are enough to drive even the sanest person to drink and that's probably the least awful option. I've had some really bad Mondays, too. I've walked through the workplace door and thought, "If he says one word to me in the wrong tone..." or if she had looked at me cross-eyed, I would've snapped. I do understand how people go "postal" and for me, it's because there's just not enough time away from the pressures of the job and coworkers. Add to that, all the errands that have to be run on the weekend because you're too tired after work or don't have time to do them during the week. There's laundry, house-cleaning, yard work, and just trying to rest up from the work week. What happens when kids are added to that mix? I'd have the screaming mimi's nowadays if I had to deal with obnoxious kids on a Monday morning. I still dread waking up on Monday morning knowing I have to go to work. Now that I can't afford to retire in 4 years like I had planned, having a business where I love what I do sounds like a dream. I'm just not sure whether it would be enough to support me and mine in this current financial climate. Or maybe if I didn't have to wake up to yet another Monday, I could get through the week without wanting to kill myself or some idiot coworker that won't shut up. So, my plan: Change Monday to FirstDay.

Right now - today - we need to unite and take a stand! Mondays are detrimental to our mental health and as such, need to be addressed during the upcoming universal healthcare discussions. Add your name to the comments section below. We can do this!

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